Thursday, June 9, 2011


Joshaqan 1 by cheerfullily
Joshaqan 1, a photo by cheerfullily on Flickr.

Joshaqan is my second pair of socks from Silk Road Socks by Hunter Hammersen. I love this book. It has seriously great sock patterns in it. I also really love these socks. I'm using Skinny Bugga! in Bog Fritillary, which is a beautiful golden brown color. While the knitting is slow going because of the cables, I think they are going to turn out great.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


102_0122 by cheerfullily
102_0122, a photo by cheerfullily on Flickr.

I finished my Khotans!!! They are absolutely gorgeous. I guess it is the second pair of patterned socks I've knitted, but these were way more involved than the first ones. I am so proud of myself. Now I'm going to knit another pair from that book.